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Ventilation Testing – What You Should Know


Local exhaust ventilation systems, also known as LEV systems, are likely to get pretty dirty after awhile. Because of the high standards of air quality in a modern workplace, it is important that proper ventilation testing is carried out to determine just how dirty the ventilation systems actually are and then clean them accordingly. LEV testing is essential in the workplace, because if the ventilation systems are dirty, it could negatively affect the air quality within the ventilation systems. If you feel that the quality of air within the workplace is affected, you might want to conduct a thorough examination of the LEV system. This includes a detailed examination of:

  • The ductwork in the property
  • The motors and the entire set of fans
  • The electrical wiring and circuitry
  • Hoods, cowls, and enclosures

There are numerous companies that you can contact if you want expert ventilation testing services in Yorkshire. The important thing is to hire a reliable company for the ventilation testing and cleaning process. Here are a few things that you should know about the ventilation testing process.

Keep it on a Weekend

It’s highly recommended that you keep the ventilation testing process on a weekend so that work is not disrupted around the place.

Cleaning the Ducts

If the ventilation testing reveals that the ducts are incredibly dirty, you might want to get them cleaned on the same day. It’s generally recommended that you discuss the fee with the company and get the ducts cleaned right away. You can learn about the advantages of choosing a house that has good air and light ventilation, on this website:

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