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Is it Possible to Keep your Data away from the WHOIS Database


Can Your Protect Your Private Information From Prying Eyes? Yes, You Can. Here Is How

Did you know that when you publicly register your domain or site that your information is not privy to the public? According to the ICANN makes it legal to register your name, address, etc. within the WHOIS database. There is nothing you can do about it because the laws protect this course of action. There are a few things you can, however, to make protect your data.

What Is the WHOIS Database and Why It Should Matter

The WHOIS database houses the information of every website owner. Your name, address, phone number, and calling card. Anytime someone looks up someone on the database they have access to what is there. They can download the information, or do whatever they are going to do.

This is a bad thing for a number of reasons. The original idea behind this was to identify repair problems and get in touch with site owners to discuss priority issues. Now, it has evolved into a new beast that has kind of gotten out of control.

I am going to discuss some of the things you can do to remedy the situation and help protect your data more.

Spoiler alert: You do not want to use a false trail, including an IP address or email. The database is going to eventually figure it out. You could be closed down for leaving a false trail. I am merely mentioning it just in case some of you get the idea. It is not going to end well for you.

1) You could use a false email address, but there are dangers to that. You cannot leave it unattended for too long. The database is going to lock you out. You could lose your information and not be able to get in. I suggest using that as a last resort.

2) There is something called the Privacy Service. This is going to be your best option if you really want to protect your data. It costs you a few bucks a month, but it does protect your information. You ate the only one who can see it. The site will display a false trail online for prying eyes to see.

The one downside is that for it to work you need to use accurate information to create the account. In other words, you cannot lie. You have to trust the service to display false information. That can be a big gamble for some people, but it is one of the better options. You have to stay in compliance with ICANN just in case there is a court order for the information. That only happens in rare cases though.

Is the Service Worth It?

It depends on the person and situation. The only downside that most customers find is that their customers wonder what they are hiding. It is something to consider if you are seriously looking to protect your online privacy. You can learn about the importance of data protection in today’s world, on this website:

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